Saturday, April 19, 2014

DIY Numbers & Colors Book

1. The first thing I did was take photos of my son wearing all different.  (Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Orange, Black, White, Pink, Purple, Brown). Some colors like Purple and Pink I had to get creative since he doesn't own any clothing in those colors.

2. Next I took some of his favorite things/things he uses and photographed different amounts for them for the numbers 1-10. ( 1-Teddy Bear; 2-Oreo Cookies; 3-(play) Tools; 4-Airplanes; 5-M&M's; 6-Superheroes; 7-Socks; 8-Spoons; 9-Goldfish; 10-Cars)

Here are some sample pages from our book:


1. First make a list of the alphabet and what you want your kid(s) to take pictures with for each.

2. Get your camera and your kid(s) and start snapping photos!

For this photo book I used a 5x7 softcover book from I did this project with my son over he course of about 3 days. My son is now 3 years old and he still enjoys looking at this book!

Here is a list of what I used for each letter; some letters I chose to do more than one photo:

A- Applesauce
B- Books
C- Cousins
D- Daddy, Diapers, Ducks
E- Eggs, Elijah
F- Family, Fan
G- Grandparents
H- Hats, Haircut
I- iPod
J- Jeans
K- Keys
L- Laundry Basket, Laptop
M- Mommy. Mickey
N- Naps
O- O-Ball
P- Piano
Q- Q-Tip
R- Remote Control, Rocking Chair
S- Snoopy, Socks, Santa
T- Tummy, Trains
U- Umbrella
V- Vampires (He has a vampire shirt because mommy loves them)
W- Winter Coat
X- XOXO Hugs and Kisses
Y- Yogurt
Z- Zebra

Here are a couple sample pages from our book:

Monday, April 7, 2014

"A Day In The Life Of..." Book

This is a photo book idea I found on Pinterest a while back and saved it until I had an extra free photo book from Shutterfly! I chose to do a 5x7 photo book but it would work with whatever size you want to use! If you don't use Shutterfly, go and sign up, they are always giving away free stuff or fantastic deals on things and the quality is great!!

1. The first thing I did was pick a day where we didn't have anything special going ordinary day. I made sure my camera was charged and my memory card had plenty of room on it the night before.

2. I kept my camera by my side ALL day and photographed EVERYTHING from the time my son woke up until the minute we put him to bed!

3. When he was asleep for the night I loaded my pictures onto my computer and used Shutterfly to make my photo book.

Here are a few sample pages but I really didn't follow any type of format since everyone's days are different.

To make the photobooks look nice can take some time but I think they are worth the effort! Elijah loves looking/reading the book and it is a nice keepsake for him when he gets older!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Pirate Chocolate Pops


-Pirate Flag Mold (bought for under $3 on
-Candy Melts (Black & White) - (Bought from Michaels)
-4 1/2 inch Lollipop Sticks (Bought from Hobby Lobby)
-Small Paint Brush


1. Melt a few white candy melts. Start by using the white paint brush to fill in the skull and cross bones.

2. Next Melt the black candy melts and add the chocolate and the lollipop stick to the mold. Make sure the lollipop stick is completely covered!

3. I let mine sit in the fridge for about an hour to set before I removed them and did another batch.

*They were a huge hit and tasted great! The mold is VERY easy to clean in between batches!

DIY Pull String Pinata!

I have seen a bunch of pins on Pinterest of DIY Pinata's so I decided to give it a try for my son's 3rd birthday party. Since we didn't need something huge so I used an empty brownie mix box (the large ones you get at wholesale stores like BJ's and Sam's Club). The ages of the kids were under 5 so I knew I wanted to do a pull string pinata and not have to worry about a bunch of toddlers and preschoolers wacking each other with a bat. The whole project was not as complicated as I thought it would be when I first started! :)

-Cardboard Box (any size...depending on the amount of candy/treats you want inside)
-Tissue Paper and/or Crepe Paper (Whatever color matches your theme)
-Box Cutter/Xacto Knife
-Paint (Whatever color matches your theme.)
-Paint Brush
-Cut Outs or Stickers to decorate the finished pinata (Optional)


1. The first thing I did was make a flap on the bottom of the box for the candy/treats to fall out of. And make small slits for the ribbons to go through.

2. I painted the top and bottom of the box with the black paint.

3. Next I took the black crepe paper and began to wrap and glue it all around the box.

4. When the entire box was covered I decorated it with a skull and cross bones, the words "AHOY" and the number 3. I used my Cricut machine to make all of these but you can decorate it with whatever materials you want to use!

4. Next I added all the ribbons! For the "winning" string make sure you knot it and put some tape over the knot so it will open the flap when pulled.

5. The bottom should stay closed when you push it in. If for some reason it doesn't apply some tape.

6. Fill the pinata with the candy/goodies.

7. Add a ribbon on top so you can hold the pinata from.

*The pinata worked out GREAT and it doesn't get destroyed so it can be reused!! :)