Monday, April 7, 2014

"A Day In The Life Of..." Book

This is a photo book idea I found on Pinterest a while back and saved it until I had an extra free photo book from Shutterfly! I chose to do a 5x7 photo book but it would work with whatever size you want to use! If you don't use Shutterfly, go and sign up, they are always giving away free stuff or fantastic deals on things and the quality is great!!

1. The first thing I did was pick a day where we didn't have anything special going ordinary day. I made sure my camera was charged and my memory card had plenty of room on it the night before.

2. I kept my camera by my side ALL day and photographed EVERYTHING from the time my son woke up until the minute we put him to bed!

3. When he was asleep for the night I loaded my pictures onto my computer and used Shutterfly to make my photo book.

Here are a few sample pages but I really didn't follow any type of format since everyone's days are different.

To make the photobooks look nice can take some time but I think they are worth the effort! Elijah loves looking/reading the book and it is a nice keepsake for him when he gets older!

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